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Gentle Reminders

A poem written by AngelsTeach University Master teacher, Rachel Maskell. She shared this at our Thanksgiving Spiritual Feast. Enjoy!

Gentle Reminders


a feather falling 

a gentle breeze blowing

a warm ray of sunshine


These are my reminders that you’re here


my favorite song on the radio

the perfect words

the giddy feeling inside my heart


These are my reminders that you’re here


my breath

my body

my heart all know

It’s just that my mind forgets


a green light 

a flashing arrow

a rose in the park


These are my reminders that you’re here


a rainbow on a cloudy day

a blanket of virgin white snow

the calm when I sit in stillness


These are my reminders that you’re here


the list can go on

and will continue on

each day I am alive


and so I pass the baton to you


what are your signs to know 

that your angels are near?


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