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Got Light!

Today the sun shines brightly on all that you have created in your life. While so many of you believe you cannot see, hear, feel or sense us in your lives, the truth is that we are ever-present and sending you messages in every instant that you take a breath.

You can see the bright lights within the seemingly clouded amethyst Angel in the image below. We are those bright lights.

We are your hope.

We are your truth.

We are your faith.

We are your love.

Every moment that you feel even a pinhole of courage, patience, wisdom, certainty, compassion, joy, clarity, understanding, depth, generosity, abundance or agape (the Love of God), we are there.

You DO hear us. You DO know us. You DO feel us. Open your heart to receive and give focus to these specks of light on the horizon. What you give focus to, expands. And as you give your attention to the light, so the light expands. As you believe in the power of Love and only Love, so the Love in your life grows.

Set your intention to begin this week by looking only for the goodness that is already all around you.

Be Blessed!

Love, Your Angels

 From Angels, Gods and Goddesses by Toni Carmine Salerno

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