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Peter and I have just returned from a magical vacation in Cancun Mexico where the weather was sunny, the people friendly and the tequila quite tasty! As we were approaching Boston’s Logan airport last night, the angels gave me a very clear message for our “re-entry”. I spent a lot of time in communion and meditation while we were away and received some essential “instructions” and guidance for my work. They reminded me that in order to solidify this guidance and make it a true part of my reality, I can’t return to the same home…I need to make changes that are in harmony and support of this new perspective I received in the tropics.

I remember attending a workshop many years ago and the teacher said that when we return home from any major shift of consciousness, it is important to move 17 things in the home. (At least I think it was 17, could be a bit less, but you get the drift!) The reason is that you have changed and so must your environment, otherwise this shift it not sustainable.

And so today, I embark on setting up what the angels call my “relaxation area” in my home. Not sure exactly how that will transpire, but I know it will be wonderful!

Even if you haven’t just been through a noticeable spiritual growth spurt, look around your home and see what needs rearranging. If you keep your environment static and unchanging, it is likely that you will feel that way as well as your home is a reflection of your inner reality.

Peaceful Blessings, Rev. Nina

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