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Ticks and Angels

Lots of folks are freaking out about Lyme’s Disease…and apparently some other virus carried by ticks that can kill you within 15 minutes. An article about the Zika virus just flew by my inbox.

People are scared to step outdoors and with our need to connect with Mother Earth now more than ever, I’d call this a crisis. Not because of health risks – which are both prevalent and real – so much as because fear has run rampant.

I wonder… how much is this fear actually creating the problem? Maybe fear isn’t creating the actual virus (or is it?) but could the fear be impacting the ability of the immune system to defend the body from these invasions? I hear the angels whisper, “Yes.” Stress is a widely accepted factor associated with contracting and prolonging illness.


I have been dancing with osteoporosis, hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s Disease. I am making great progress and I know my angels are on the job as they guide me through diet changes, supplement decisions and a whole-being body/mind/spirit care regimen.

I’ve also been bitten by ticks, as has my husband and our outdoor cats. It’s part of life in communion with nature. I don’t like it. In fact, I hate it, but I trust our angels aren’t on vacation. They’re on the job.

For years we’ve been doing this dance with ticks and yes, Lymes. It’s no joke, but neither is a fear-based existence.

Mother Earth needs us and we need Her – desperately.

We are not meant to live gripped by fear. We are meant to live in communion with each other and our natural world.

Can you even imagine a life where you can’t step outdoors? I shudder to even consider it.

Let us all co-exist in peace and trust. Our world has become unbalanced and more threatening because we haven’t been responsible stewards of the earth.

Perhaps as we join together in love and return to a more awakened state of existence, our world can begin to heal. Through focused efforts and a strong dose of prayer, we will grow stronger.

One step at a time. We can do this.

And so it is.

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