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[Video] September 2022 – Messages from the Angels

Hello there! Once again, I invite you to select #1, #2 or #3 and then come on over and see what your angels have to share with you 😇

And should you be wondering about the mechanics of how this works, I’ve written an explanation below.

How can I know which number is for me?

People often ask, “How can I know which message is for me if I can’t see the picture?

I get it. The ego wants all the data available to feel solid making a decision.

The thing is, when we ask for guidance without knowing all the details, the angels give us the answer we need…without the ego getting in the way.

The angels have all the information required to guide us… without you seeing the image.

And if the message they give you doesn’t have nuggets of goodness, then don’t take it. (Though I’m sure it will!)

It takes practice to feel confident leaning into this as a way of life, but ohhhhh, what a magical experience it is!

As you feel inspired, try asking for guidance when you don’t have all the data the ego wants. Play with it and see where you land.

Always, always… trust in the true YOU and the messages from your angels that are streaming in.
Much love,

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