As you probably know, I do a lot of angel card reading. And I often receive signs that have nothing to do with angel cards, but nonetheless are a message from my angels. I also do a lot of just plain talking to the angels without any tools at all.
Communication is a multi-faceted, and often complex thing to understand. I awoke this morning with a sadness in my heart that I couldn’t explain. It felt like the core of my soul was rubbed raw, but I didn’t know why.
I pulled cards, I meditated, I went for a walk, I chatted with my beloved Peter, and I, of course, talked to my angels about it. I know part of it had to do with mourning the end of summer, but this heaviness was uncharacteristic of me. And I just couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. My standard means of communication weren’t yielding the understanding that I was searching for…it was a matter of timing.
And then I went to Starbucks with my dearest 18 year old daughter, Orlena. As we sat outside sipping on our yummy drinks, she announced that she is definitely planning to go to Japan this fall. Most of this summer has been spent with her planning to get a job and deciding what colleges to apply to. Japan was a remote idea for her year off, but unlikely. Until today.
I selected this photo and named this post (“Just the 3 of us”) before I even had this conversation with Orlena. The synchronicity of it is that when she leaves, it will be me, her father and her brother left holding down the fort – just the 3 of us in a Roe (sorry, couldn’t help the pun!)
The message for you is that your angels are giving you signs all of the time. Whether it’s books/cd’s/movies you select, songs that come on the radio, things that fall off the shelf in front of you, animals that cross your path, or infinitely many other indications of guidance for your future – your Angels are there, all around you, all of the time. Listen, because they may just have something really important to say. And it’s possible that you won’t understand until all the pieces have fallen into place. As my mother always said, patience is a viture!
Blessings and joyful hugs, Rev. Nina
p.s. my sadness lifted when I understood where it came from. I know our daughter is on her way to help make our world a better place.