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Birds of a feather

No one in our household slept well last night. Well, maybe one of the dogs, but none of the 3 humans or the cat that decided to play ball at 3am. It was an interesting evening. This is a time of lots of transitions in our family. It was 3 years ago today that my sister-in-law passed away and 36 years ago tomorrow that Peter’s parents died in a tragic plane crash. Our son recalls that his first love broke up with him a year ago yesterday. Yes, lots of change is in the stars this time of year for my loved ones, because with each loss, new opportunity opens up.

This morning, just after my meditation, I looked out the kitchen window and saw – no joke – thousands of black birds swarming. In a very Hitchcockian fashion, they swooped through the air and landed on nearby trees making quite a screeching racket.

My past fondness of The Birds, led me to think, “oh, this isn’t good.” Yet, as soon as I swept my ego aside and listened carefully to my angels, I kept hearing “freedom, they represent freedom. As you follow your angels and show the way, people will open up and flock to the light. Change is happening in a big way…make room, dear Nina!”

This is certainly not about following blindly and ignoring what feels right in your heart to go with the masses. Quite the opposite, these birds of a feather were sharing the message that as each person follows their heart, then we create unity. We create movement that is powerful and inspired.

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Let’s flock together and create a world of love, joy and abundance!

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