Hello love,
I pulled this card this morning as part of my morning prayer ritual. It’s the Unity card from the beautiful Sacred Earth Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, Leela J Williams and Helena Nelson-Reed. Have a look…
Isn’t this a breathtaking image?
(For those of you who may not be able to see this pic clearly, it’s an enormous angel filled with nurturing grace holding our precious Earth in a gentle, protective embrace. Unity.)
I’ve been on the couch most of this week with some silly virus and been contemplating those things that keep me feeling connected. Of course, prayer and meditation are at the top of the list…and doing this work 🙂
But having to cancel almost all plans beginning last Saturday through this weekend, I’ve had the unique perspective to realize how much I NEED the connections with my people.
From my amazing health coach to my new students to the great guy who remodeled our bathroom to the genius lovebugs who work for AT to my family and BFFs and all others…we are a web.
We are all interconnected. There would be no life without this connection.
I’m keeping this on the shorter side this week – angels orders. 😉
Please just remember that YOU are an important part of this web. Don’t ever for get that.
Just as the Angel of Unity holds our planet in a loving embrace, she is gazing at YOU and whispering this prayer…
May you always know how truly loved you are.
May you know the grace of the Divine Mother and Father.
May you know how much our world needs the unique vibration that is YOU.
May you realize the gifts that only YOU have to offer.
Listen carefully and you will know exactly what this means and what to do.
And so it is.
Until next time…
xo Elvia