

It’s Mother’s Day as I type. Peter’s at his Sunday soccer game and I’d been cherishing the idea of nothing on my plate, alone for a few hours in my … Continued

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[Video] Messages from the Angels – May 2024: The Empress

Inspired this month by the Mother archetype, choose #1, #2 or #3 and see how the messages from The Empress vary widely in 3 different tarot decks. Enjoy!

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[Video] April 2024 – Messages from the Angels

It’s 17 years ago April 1st that I launched the first AngelsTeach website and made my intuitive development teaching a real thing. Inspired by tarot and the number 17, our … Continued

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[Video] March 2024 – Messages from the Angels

Welcome to the 3/3 portal where the potential for transformation with a clear view of destiny lie in fertile soil! It is said that “when (wo)man plans, God laughs.” I … Continued

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[Video] November 2023 – Messages from the Angels

Hey there, earth angels! 😇 Our messages this month takes us into the Sacred Forest 🌲 and is inspired by a featured card deck from last month’s readings. I’ve also … Continued

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[Video] September 2023 – Messages from the Angels

Welcome to our Messages from the Angels for the month of September, 2023. Yay!!! 🥳 This month I was inspired by the idea of foundation and structure…what we need to … Continued

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It’s been a minute…

Heartfelt thanks to those who’ve reached out and I’ll get to the reason why in a sec. First, I pray your angels are offering you a 2023 that is bringing … Continued

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[Video] December 2022 – Messages from the Angels

Today I offer you our Messages from the Angels for the month of December. 😇 The angels were very specific and led me to an opportunity to demonstrate a more … Continued

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Gratitude, the Great Remover of Obstacles

Life rarely delivers what we expect. Guessing that’s why the Buddhists put so much emphasis on non-attachment. We pray and visualize A and then B shows up…maybe even Z. Some … Continued

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[Video] July 2022 – Messages from the Angels

Before we get to the video bit, a quick PSA moment. It’s wild right now. Mr Toad might be enjoying the ride, but it’s intense and can easily feel overwhelming. … Continued

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