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[Video] March 2024 – Messages from the Angels

Welcome to the 3/3 portal where the potential for transformation with a clear view of destiny lie in fertile soil!

It is said that “when (wo)man plans, God laughs.”

I sure wasn’t laughing when 8 hours after posting my Messages from the Angels for last November I fell through a small section of rotten decking and broke my shoulder in 3 places.

Hands down one of the most painful experiences I’ve ever had. My thigh tissue got scrunched into a mass the width of the deck board and is still dented. May always be. I still can’t quite stretch my arm enough to properly shave my pit or reach the top shelf with my left hand. In the grand scheme of things – minor, really.

Four months later and I am profoundly grateful for the depths of Spirit that 2023 brought me to.

Our family’s lives were derailed the first half of the year from the intense illness of our sweet child and then again at the end with my accident. (I type “derailed” and then I catch myself because it was more about aligned “course correction”.)

Pain gives us a choice.
We can run. Or we can go deeper into Spirit.

2023. A year in the books.
One that insisted on maturing my relationship with Source.
On the fast track.

I wouldn’t wish what my family and I have been through on anyone. And…there’s always more change that can happen that isn’t easy. Many humans are enduring more challenging paths.

We never know what tomorrow will bring. Or tonight. Or the next minute, for that matter.

We have our angels to lead us every step of the way.

(What would we do without them?!!)


To help those called to work with me to build and deepen their relationship with the angels and live love-over-fear, I am excited to be digging in and working on what I’m affectionately calling an AngelsTeach Reboot. 😇

In the meantime, I am honored to offer you another Messages from the Angels for March 2024.

Scroll down, click and have a watch ⬇️

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1 comment
  1. Just to let you know Elvia – card no.2 is an otter, but I don’t know what he’s done with his tail!
    Wishing you a complete and whole recovery – nature always has to take its time doesn’t it, so I hope the warmer Spring weather helps the healing process.

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