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[Video] July 2022 – Messages from the Angels

Before we get to the video bit, a quick PSA moment.
It’s wild right now. Mr Toad might be enjoying the ride, but it’s intense and can easily feel overwhelming.

How best to navigate?

  1. Pay attention to your breath. Make sure you’re breathing fully and deeply with the intention of filling your body with love and inspiration…or at least, a good dose of oxygen.
  2. Try not to make assumptions – about others and why they’re doing what they’re doing. 
  3. Try not to make assumptions about your self and pile unnecessary expectations, should’s, shouldn’ts, … that only create burden. (You can also think of it like this: accept yourself just as you are – right here, right now.)
  4. Be gentle. With others. With yourself.
  5. When in doubt, bring your decisions back to Love. Perhaps ask, “If I am acting as a being of Love, what is my right choice?”


This month’s messages are inspired by some photos I’ve taken on the road in the past few weeks, showing us that angels are indeed everywhere.

Will it be photo #1, #2 or #3 for you? 😇

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