Last week, I began a lesson about the 4 faces of anger: denial, frustration, rage and an uneasy calm. While there certainly are other ways in which anger makes its presence known, these 4 persona speak loudly about the epidemic of anger in our present society.
Today, I am focusing on Uneasy Calm. As I tune into the energy of this aspect of anger, in my mind’s eye, I see a young version of me lurking in the shadows, sneaking around and waiting for the right opportunity to pounce. I see her sporting a bowler hat pulled down over her eyes so that I can’t see into her soul. There is a truth that lies within her that she does not want me to see. She is stubborn, strong and unafraid of her power. This is Uneasy Calm. Have you met her?
The anger beneath uneasy calm is a quiet that is not peaceful. It is a silence that holds tension that can be cut with a knife. It is the words that are not said, yet are recognized and known to be true. It is the truth that is unspoken. Uneasy calm is anger as a toddler or for those who’ve lived with it for years, an adolescent.
So why is this form of anger so important to discuss? Well for starters, it represents the state that millions of Americans and others of the developed countries are feeling with respect to the economy. There is a quiet knowing that the world is changing and most aware adults are silently and anxiously observing. Many of these adults are angry about this change, they just aren’t ready to label it as anger yet. Their Uneasy Calm persona is still sneaking around, but she’s ready to take action as soon as she finds an opening.
The truth behind Uneasy Calm is that she is not nearly as powerful as she thinks she is. If you lift her hat and look her straight in the eye, she cringes. If you say to her, “I know that all the change that is happening right now is for the greater good!”, she will retreat. And if you continue on, “I also know that I am so loved and supported by God and the Angels that I am ready for this change. I know it is what’s best for me!” She will be forced to turn and walk away.
And thus Uneasy Calm never has the opportunity to grow up and become like her sister Rage.
Have you looked at your friend Uneasy Calm lately? Have a look! She won’t scare you!
Blessings of love, joy and abundance, Rev. Nina