Successful angel communication is the fastest path for manifestation and always begins with clear and focused intention, what I like to call prayer.
Intention is essential, because the angels respond with exact precision to your requests. If you state your needs – your prayers – clearly and with purpose, your angels will swoop in and answer what you ask.
If, however, you are confused about what you ask or say one thing in one moment and then make a choice in direct conflict in the next moment, chaos is the result. In this case, the angels are far less effective.
Because YOU are the focal point and the manifestor for how the angels can respond. It is absolutely crucial that you get clear and focused and…pray. So that your angels know specifically how to help you.
This isn’t always easy, however, because as a society we aren’t taught how to pray effectively. I’ve learned through deep communion with the angels how to connect and manifest with clear and precise intention. And I would be so honored to share and help you with this!
To this end, we are offering our 9-Day Manifest with the Angels Prayer event that begins this Friday, February 2nd at 9am eastern.
For 9 days consecutive days, I will be joined by my fellow teacher Deborah Hodiak-Knox for about 20-30 minutes to teach about prayer and lead us all in holding prayer space for each and every one of you.
This is open at no cost for the entire AngelsTeach public community and will be recorded if you’re unable to join us live.
Think of this event as groundwork. I want to make sure you have all you need as we inch towards spring, when we’ll dive head first into the nuts and bolts of angel communication.
To participate, all you need to do is CLICK HERE for Manifest with the Angels event information, book mark the page and then join us each day beginning on Friday. Remember, each event will be recorded, so you can listen on your schedule.
Until next time…
Enjoy your day with the angels!