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Relationships + angels + journaling

Hello beautiful souls!

Tis the season for a heart-shaped Valentine’s Day chocolate box full of energy focused on relationships.

With that… a beautiful opportunity to celebrate our loved ones.

It’s also an invitation to revisit those close relationships. Not just spouses and partners, but also friends, siblings, children, even neighbors.

And do a heart 💜 check – with the angels leading the way.

How are you celebrating those relationships? What’s your truth around them? How can you make them (and yourself) stronger?

Rumi wrote,

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.”

Oh my.

Healing relationships always goes back to healing our own heart… however that relationship is destined to play out.

Mercury is currently retrograde beckoning us inward to review the past and come to peace with where we are in the present. It is winter in the northern hemisphere and in New England we are in the midst of a series of snowstorms. It is Valentine’s Day season with Cupid’s arrow pointing towards LOVE. 💜

In other words…this is prime energy that is encouraging us to “seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have build against [love].”

Journaling Exercise with the Angels

To this end, I’ve created some journaling prompts (self tested and…wowsers!) Tweak for your own needs as guided.

Dear angels, please give me the clarity and courage I need as I think and journal about my relationships: my spouse, my life partner, my child, my friend… 🙏

Let me see what needs to be seen and heal what needs to be healed in the highest good for all. 

Turn to a new page in your journal and let it flow. If you’re not inspired to write, perhaps just ponder.

  • I sense a barrier I’ve built to keep me separate from _____ [person’s name].
  • Is this truly a barrier to my capacity for love or a necessary boundary? **
  • If it’s a necessary boundary, how can I feel more at peace with it?
  • If this is a barrier to my capacity for love, why did I create it and how can I feel safe and protected if I choose to release it? (Tip: if this doesn’t flow, look at role models in your life and where this barrier may have originated before you took it on for yourself.)
  • What habits and practices do I need to put in place?
  • What mindset shifts do I need to make?
  • Would EFT/Tapping or other healing modality help?
  • Am I ready to take down this barrier? If not, what can I do to become ready?

** Protection and boundaries can be a tricky thing for us Lightworkers. We intuitively know we are all One and yet there are those behaviors and vibrations we need to shield ourselves from.

I wouldn’t want to share an Uber with a serial killer and yet… I understand we are connected.

Boundaries are important. Trust your angels will show you the difference. 💜

As you settle into any new awareness, give yourself a gentle hug and know that as you choose Love, you align with the higher path of your angels. 😇

So much love from my heart to yours.

Until next time…

xo Elvia


Photo cred: Rosa on Unsplash

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