It’s been a while since I’ve written anything public. Last May.
It’s not because of health or family interruptions as in the past, although there has been some of that. It’s also not because I’ve had my nose in my evolutionary astrology studies, although there’s been a lot of that.
I haven’t written or posted a video in many months because I haven’t known what to say.
I’ve actually written a bunch of messages to send you but they lie in my folder unsent. I’m not clear yet on how I want to move forward with my angel work in a way that feels impactful and soul satisfying.
The Elvia of old would cringe that I’m even admitting this publicly. It goes against so much of the business training I’ve done and risks making me look vulnerable, unfocused, weak. But I don’t care about that anymore.
The truth is too many of us push through periods of gestation like a newly pregnant mama denying the 9 month process. The time when growth and evolution are very much happening, but the form isn’t clear or ready. Not yet.
It can be a hard place to sit in, especially when it goes on for what feels like an eternity. But we can’t fight divine time or will.
My astrology studies have underscored that I am in a major period of transition. One that requires copious amounts of stillness and solitude.
This morning I finally got that I’m settling into my Crone-ness. The angels flash an image of my childhood favorite dessert – fruit Jello – my path hasn’t quite set yet. Some of that yumminess is solid, but the liquid around the chunks of pineapple and cherries is still runny.
So that’s why I’ve been quiet. Still very keen on serving the greater good and helping people connect deeply and profoundly with their inner High Priestess. Or their angels if you prefer.
There’s so much in our world that feels wrong and in need of fixing. And also so much that feels very, very right. But sometimes the wrong is noisier and wins our attention.
As a species, we have not been so good to our planet and fellow roommates… the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees – all of it. We’ve been pretty harsh with each other as well.
The us/them narrative has prevailed and to be honest, it can be an intoxicating force for the ego. Of course I’m right, says the lower self.
BUT, this is a time – no matter whether you are 💙 or ♥️, in the US or elsewhere – for us to expand our presence of Light with:
Faith in LOVE.
Belief in PEACE.
For us to… really, really listen to one another. With respect, curiosity and an open heart.
We are so divided. Not just as a country, but as a world. Ironic as we are also so connected with all the technological advancements of the last decades. Maybe this is those things bumping up against one another asking, “How can we foster a cohesive global community while still respecting and preserving our individual autonomy?”
Tribes are tribes and while most are focused on love and creating a bright and safe future for the tribe and its children, they often have different views on how best to accomplish that.
I confess, my opinion of who should win this election is strong. I don’t share this lightly because my higher purpose is unification. Sharing my 💙-ness is simply to let you know that because I am human, that may seep through. But I will always return to this: follow your guidance, whatever that is.
If 💙 wins, it is imperative for our leaders to proceed with eyes wide open as to what the ♥️ tribe is asking for. We can’t just shut down and stop listening to each other. Clearly there is a massive call for change. We may not agree on how to get there, but let’s at least be honest about the unmet needs that are way more complex than things like immigration and the economy. While those are important topics, this call for evolution runs much deeper.
If ♥️ wins, well you already know my leanings and I’ll be honest. I could be wrong, but I’m extremely concerned we’ll lose many of our freedoms that have been such a given – not for all and not for everyone in all ways – but we undeniably have more rights and freedoms than many others in our global community. (Like the women in Afghanistan who are banned from speaking or even being heard in public…breaks my heart.) We can’t change the core issues if we’re silenced. Again, if you’re tending towards ♥️, I am not judging. Follow your guidance, whatever that is.
Whatever the outcome, we must lean hard into all that stuff I mentioned before about Love, Peace and Compassion. We are being called to level up, listen and to heal the broken parts of ourselves, our country, our world.
This is the path. Honor the journey. And may 💜 Unity be our experience.
I love you. 💕