Merry Merry Season of Light to you, dear angel lover! In addition to reaching through the ethers to offer you holiday hugs 🤗 , I’m guided to share a bit … Continued
Today I offer you our Messages from the Angels for the month of December. 😇 The angels were very specific and led me to an opportunity to demonstrate a more … Continued
Life rarely delivers what we expect. Guessing that’s why the Buddhists put so much emphasis on non-attachment. We pray and visualize A and then B shows up…maybe even Z. Some … Continued
Scorpio season + full moon coming up with a lunar eclipse in Taurus = an incredible heavenly support to release and heal patterns we’ve inherited from our ancestors…maybe even our own … Continued
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end … Continued
Before we get to the video bit, a quick PSA moment. It’s wild right now. Mr Toad might be enjoying the ride, but it’s intense and can easily feel overwhelming. … Continued
Flowers have a rich and long history of providing messages for those receiving as a gift as well as for the givers themselves. Please enjoy 3 messages inspired by flowers. … Continued
A challenging week here in the U.S. We have much to learn about peace, it seems. Of course this is a global challenge as well. I wrote a prayer that … Continued