
Beliefs and an invitation…

Hello and autumn blessings, dear earth angel, One of my spiritual mentors recently said that “the brain is constantly searching for validation of its beliefs.” Good or not-so-good. Your brain (mine … Continued

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Want to be a Master? Let’s talk, just you and me ;)

Beautiful earth angel, I’m starting a new session of our Angel Communication Masters™ certification training in just a few weeks and I’m wondering if YOU are interested. If so, perhaps you’d … Continued

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Announcements and Amping Up Angels in August

Hello sweet earth angel, Wowsers, what a month it’s beenI The energy has been INTENSE and is stirring up all kinds of emotions and situations to help us heal. If … Continued

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Past Lives…and angels

I don’t know about you beloved earth angel, but past life recalls have been surfacing in spades. Perhaps it’s the Summer Solstice showering us with its blessings here in the … Continued

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Past Life Healing with EFT

Greetings lovely, Details for this two-part event that begins on July 14th. You can participate 100% on your schedule if the dates/times aren’t convenient. Here’s how it’s going to work… … Continued

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Want angel training but price too high? (We’ve made some BIG changes)

I pray this post finds you well and that the news I have to share brings you good cheer and opens a door for you to experience more angels in … Continued

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Seriously interested and seriously need financial assistance?

We know that money can sometimes be a big challenge to overcome. We are sensitive to that and are offering 3 scholarships for our April 2018 Angel Communication 8-Week Live … Continued

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Want to manifest with your angels?

Successful angel communication is the fastest path for manifestation and always begins with clear and focused intention, what I like to call prayer. Intention is essential, because the angels respond with … Continued

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Not me too…Or, the Re-birth of AngelsTeach

There’s a sharing that’s gone viral on Facebook, perhaps you’ve seen it. It starts with “Me too” from the person posting and then continues with cut/pasted statistics from the CDC … Continued

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