There are a several different approaches for healing breast cancer (or any illness for that matter). There is conventional western medicine (chemo, radiation, etc…), holistic (herbs, homeopathy, vitamins, …), and religious or spiritual.
Treatment plans are very personal and only you will know what is right for you. As you follow your angels’ true guidance, you will be led down the path that is destined for your highest experience of healing.
I confess it has been a journey for me to open my heart to western medicine, only because I believe it is so important for each person to own their own healing and many US doctors learn an authoritative style that results in disempowering their patients. That said, there are certainly many benefits of traditional medicine for those who need it.
Wherever you are on your path of healing, I encourage you to read and learn as much as you can about your health. I invite you to pray daily and engage in dialogue with your angels about how to maintain good health and well being. I suggest you listen carefully to their guidance and have faith in their wisdom.
In the interest of sharing some information I have recently discovered, here is a link to an article on healing cancer using herbs. Click on WELL BEING JOURNAL to view now. I also read in their current issue an article about the health benefits of flax seed oil.
Own the decisions about your body. Listen to advice you receive whether from well-intending doctors, articles or the angels, and decide for yourself what feels right. When you don’t feel you have enough information to make that decision, then wait and seek more advice.
YOU are your own true healer. xo