Beautiful earth angel, hello!
I trust your angels are treating you well and that as you have followed Tip #1: Assume your angels are always guiding you, that you’re feeling the love!
And if not, that’s okay. It’s why I’m here…to teach you how to connect and feel the presence of your angels in everymoment.
So let’s dig right into Tip #2 of 5 Tips for Partnering with the Angels.
[I have to share a magical synchronicity… I wrote all this, recorded the video and then attended a business school meeting not knowing what we’d be learning. It was in complete alignment with this. Love those angels! 🙂 ]
Click on the image below for video version of this message 🙂
Tip #2: Cultivate a habit of asking for help…with clarity, simplicity, certainty, feeling & gratitude.
Asking your angels for help seems like another no-brainer and it is…but again, we forget. Or, we make assumptions about when the angels can help and more specifically when they can’t.
The truth is, your angels can help you with everything. You just have to ask.
Trouble deciding what to wear? Ask your angels.
Don’t know what to do to unleash your greatest gifts? Ask your angels.
Wanna know what to prepare for dinner that’s easy and everyone will love? Ask your angels.
How you ask your angels for help is just as important as asking. There are 5 things I view as essential for ensuring any request will be answered.
The 5 key ingredients for asking for help from your angels are:
Clarity – know what you want and be clear about how you ask for it. And leave room for something better than what you can see at this time.
Simplicity – keep what you ask simple. Short is better than long and embellished.
Certainty – trust that what you are asking will be answered in alignment with your soul’s true calling.
Feeling – use all your senses to feel into the experience of your answered prayer and allow every cell in your being to awaken and vibrate to the manifestation of your request. Release doubt (as best you can) and know it to be true.
Gratitude – giving thanks amplifies your request and broadcasts it to your angels in power mode.
Some examples per our themes listed above…
“Dear angels, I don’t know what to wear yet! Please help me find an outfit for my friend’s wedding that will make me feel beautiful, empowered and honors my friend on her special day. Thank you!”
“Dear angels, please help me discover, embrace and use all of the gifts that I am blessed to be using in service at this time. Thank you!”
“Dear angels, I need help! It’s 6pm and I don’t know what to cook for dinner. I have hungry loved ones circling! What can I do that’s easy, nourishing and will satisfy us all? Thank you!”
There it is. 🙂
Go ahead and ask sweet one. Your angels are waiting!
Until next time…
xo Elvia
P.S. What do you need to ask your angels to help with today?